Tuesday, November 03, 2009


I had a couple of articles published on Matador Network, an online travel magazine that I've written for before. I'm also an "Expert on Kenya" to provide travel advice for people to the country.

While I don't really like some of the edits they made to my original pieces, that's the price of getting writing published I suppose. I doubt anyone likes seeing their words cut from a page.

The articles are here:

Running Wild with Kenya's Safaricom Marathon
I ran a half marathon in Lewa Conservancy while I was in Kenya with the Peace Corps, and came face-to-face with a zebra in the process. It was one of the coolest races I'm sure I will ever compete in.

What Can Scuba Teach Us About Travel?
Lisa and I were recently SCUBA certified in the Philippines, and I thought the course had some good parallels for travel as well.

Matador Network is very accessible - they publish a lot of reader articles, and make submission guidelines very clear. They also have a "bounty board" of articles waiting to be written. The user community is quite active and diverse, and very supportive of each other. I hate how comments on any other site inevitably devolve into a mass of hate messages. Matador Network seems to be largely free of petty anger incitement, and not because they moderate the messages but because whenever someone posts something derisive, other commenters gently chastise them until they feel bad and apologize. It's quite nice, and funny.

1 comment:

  1. mamajonny11:34 PM

    You may be cheap, but never dirty!
