Tomorrow is also an exam day, on which the students take a a national practice exam. This means I have no classes. It will be nice to catch up on my lesson plans again - I have some ideas floating around in my head that I need to put down on paper. During exam week I'll also be free of my normal classload (and the week before, too - the teachers will cancel my class in favor of a study period for the students), though I'll still be expected at school. If I catch up on my lesson plans tomorrow, I'm not sure what I'll do for the rest of June. Probably look up videos on the Philippines! Lisa and I are going to Bohol for 10 days in August to scuba dive and play around in the rainforest.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Exam time!
Final exams are coming up in two weeks, which means students are buckling down and hitting the study rooms pretty hard. It is a good indication of the high value Korean's place on education that Pohang has a plethora of private study rooms for rent, outside of which I often see my students congregated late at night. Though the school stays open pretty late (10pm or later), I imagine the kids get tired of seeing the same walls every day and they prefer even the slight change that study rooms provide. I haven't been inside of one but I always picture a cheap, dingy room with a single dim lightbulb and a desk in the corner. Knowing Koreans, though, I expect they have provide more comforts than that (ok, now I'm picturing a hybrid love motel-study room).
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