Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Breaking News from I-dong High School

My co-teacher just informed me that one of the second graders will miss final exams, which take place during the last week in June. He's missing the exams by choice. Some teachers will convene in a committee to discuss what course of action will be taken: In course A, he will be given a full absence, and his final exam grades will be marked as 100% of his mid-term exam grades; In course B, he will receive a sick absence, and his final exam grades will automatically be 80% of his mid-term grades. 

Before reading the kicker, can you imagine ANY scenario where a student, missing an exam by choice, would be given a FULL pardon and not required to re-take the exams or even take a reduction in marks?

Kicker: He'll be absent during exam week because he's donating his kidney to his father (who, presumably, is ill). 

Since he's a second-grade student, he must be in one of my classes. I'm insatiably curious to find out who he is.

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